Monday, 1 April 2013

Chris Huntington

Hello :D sorry I haven't been writing for a long time, I have been like super busy with school :'(. Yes I am in highschool and I strongly dislike it. My lunch is at like 1 o clock. I mean who eats at 1?!?!?! oh well, my school is weird.

Sooo, today my grade talked to CHRIS HUNTINGTON :D he is so cool, he taught us how to make our writing better and yeah. I never knew he taught at my school :3 I guess that pretty cool... I'm going to be kind and share what he said with you guys because I can ;)

First thing! try to have 2 stories going on at once or at least 2 events/important things going on at the same time, that way the reader is interested.

Second thing: Make it empathic! describe emotions so that the reader can relate to the character (you know make them spazz out over all the feels :P)

Lastly (And I dont necessarily agree with this) is write what you know, you have experienced it yourself so it will be easier for you to write :)

Kay well thats it really :) I'm so sorry for not posting much (like at all) but I mean like nobody reads this anyway :)