GAAAHHHHH, THIS BOOK! It frustrates me so! Ok I need to surpress all my feels and write this.
Let us begin with the end (ironic right?). The ending is the most clishèd ending ever yet I don't even care, Armentrout transports her readers into Katy's world and I caught myself bringing myself back to reality to be disappointed by the lack of insanely good looking aliens made out of light. She did an amazing job and I am still trying to comprehend what has happened to Katy's life. If I ever had the chance to talk to J.L. Armentrout I would sit her down and ask her "HOW DO YOU DO IT?"
I have next to no idea but ever since Obsidian (the first book in the Lux series) I was hooked. Each novel comes with it's own interesting twist and it just captivates you.
It's so shocking to see the change in Dee's character, after a certain climactic incident (which was shocking enough) Dee turns into this semi-introvert/filled with sadness and vengeance person. It's nice to see that she isn't all pink ponies and butterflies but my heart went out to her. I can only imagine how she felt when she lost Dawson. Another thing I was really happy about was the intimacy between Daemon and Katy. There has always been this grand innuendo in their relationship but "Opal" highlighted the affinity and trust in their relationship. Oh my lord, from the descriptions of what Daemon smells like, I think I'll just faint right now.
The fandom is going to be so mad at me for this but... I kind of want Blake to stick around until the next novel, He brings all the action with him. Oh and I definitly want to see what Luc's favour will be :)
The one thing I didn't like was that the pace of the novel kept changing. One minute the Black family is training to sneak into Deadelus, the next they are rushing home. Maybe it was because I was reading too fast (well I can explain! these books are just too good to put down, I finished the first two in a day) but never the less the plot and setting are not gravely affected.
I am just waiting for the next book in August, I think I might need an oxygen tank when I do start reading it. Jennifer L. Armentrout HOW CAN YOU LEAVE US READERS HANGING LIKE THIS! Well I know one thing, the instant it hits the shelves here I will run to the nearest book shop and buy it without a doubt. If you haven't read the Lux series yet I suggest you do because it is, indubitably one of the most intense series I have ever read.