Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Ok so I was coming back from a hospital and was heading towards the door with my mom. When we got to the door, it was locked. So we went to the other door and that was locked too, now I started to get freaked out and a really weird scenario came to mind. Heres what I thought could happen... Yes I know I have an extremely interesting brain ;) anyway enjoy :D

As I left the room I said goodbye to Leo and tried to close the door so that he wouldn't wake up. But as I opened it, a high pitch squeal came from the un-oiled hinges of the door. Luckily Leo was still asleep and I quietly slipped out. As the door closed, I accidentally bumped into a lady carrying a tray. She said sorry and walked away hurriedly, I ignored it at the time, just thought it was really weird. I wanted to get home before the rush hour started so I walked as fast as I could to the car park door. I grabbed the handle and pulled. It didn't open. I tired pushing. It didn't open. I thought hmmmm well this is unusual, so I walked down to the other exit. That one was locked too. I started heading for the main exit, thought i could walk up the ramp to the car park. After a few minutes of walking i approached the door and once again it was locked. I tried pushing the handle up and down in a frantic attempt to leave, because as far as I know there are only 5 exits to the hospital. Several tries late I gave up and was just about to slide down the wall and sit there until somebody came, but the light started to flicker. Again I disregarded it as if it were nothing, immediately  I heard the creek of an IV drip machine, and it was becoming louder. I pivoted on the heels of my feet and ran. I ran as fast as I could, as far as my legs would carry me. Until I came to a dead end. So I ran back and dashed down the other hallway. there I slipped on something wet, and sticky, and warm, and red! IT WAS BLOOD, blood that was collecting in a little puddle on the floor. I got up and my hands started to shiver and my legs started to wobble. I wasn't sure if they could support me weight but I tried to stand up. Someone came behind me and clamped their hand filled with anaesthesia. So much that It was overwhelming and my eyes began to droop. The last thing I could remember was that face, covered in a green mouth mask and head cap, with blue eyes that seemed so icy they could freeze hell. And all he said was "welcome to the hospital, once you come in you can never leave" 

 so what do you think? tell me if there is any way I can improve or make it more interesting. dont forget to follow and comment :)