hey again :D this time I promise to put in paragraphs ;)
ok so one might be wondering "why call a blog Crumpled Purple Journal?" well I called it the crumpled purple journal because It is basically that. you know without the physical crumpling ...
I called it crumpled because this place is where all my weird ideas are. Ideas that might not always work... ideas that might not always make sense and ideas that i just might not like. you know when you write something but you dont like it so you crumple up the piece of paper and play paper toss? yup thats pretty much it. Im not implying that this place is a dump of a dust bin or anything but well its just that you know rough ideas and stuff. Journal because well its just that, a journal. A place to jot down your ideas! :) and purple because I really like purple :P Its not my favourite colour but that doesnt matter does it? so yup thats basically all of it :) Hope you enjoy!