Monday, 3 September 2012

Stuff about this blog

Hello :) whats up? well yeah as you can tell this is a new blog, I just started it like yesterday... Im new to this whole blog thing, and I actually started to blog because I had to for one of my assignments. And it seems pretty nice. Kind of like a journal but online and other people can read it. If I owned a journal I would probably write some really deep personal stuff. But I don't use journals because, well to put it simply: I'm not bothered... so YAY for being lazy! anyway this blog will probably be about what I have read and what I'm reading now and I might give you some reviews. I say some because I dont generally write reviews, well good ones at least. So I will just write about my opinion. And forgive my grammar. If I am writing something really formal (e.g. a story) then I will actually bother with punctuation and grammar and other stuff but now.. well im not really typing anything important so screw it :) im not going to do all of that now. so on to my next point.... i do like to write stories because it allows my imagination to grow and i have a really large imagination as you will soon learn. so that will be the journal part of it.... Ill explain why I called this blog "the crumpled purple journal" in the next post. but now ill just tell you about me. I was born in singapore. lived there most of my life. hmmm I like music, like listening to it. I dont mind playing it, i play the violin and just started learning the guitar, so you be the judge of that. I love to draw and paint. I prefer to draw because i feel that i can make pretty cool pieces with a pencil compared to colour and strokes. Thats just my opinion. So thats me! in like 3 sentences, Ugh reading back on this i noticed that there are no paragraphs and just a bunch of text. thats horrible to look at. so ill put in paragraphs next time :) sorry :( i know i hate looking at just a bunch of text. it make me really bored and then  i stop reading. kk ill shut up now sorry ;) just that i have a lot to say so yeah. Until the next post dear readers :) thanks for actually reading all of this. ill be surprised if anybody does :P

ok good by