Oblivion is definitely coming! You know the 5th book in the power of five series by Anthony Horowitz? yusss that one! its out! well at least the first chapter is available for everyone to read! I know I know its terribly exciting :) the official launch is October 4th (in the US) you lucky lucky ducks :( Anyway ... :) YAYERS I thought that he wan't going to write it or anything! I mean seriously, I started reading the series 4 years ago. FOUR YEARS!!!!!!! Seriously but the good thing is he's let out the first chapter :D heres the link for anyone who wants to read it: http://cdn.anthonyhorowitz.com/nexus/p5b5c1/oc1w.pdf
There are a few typo's and ok I guess the plot is kind of what we expected,,, and it leaves us on a cliffhanger again, but gaaaaahhhhh! I am sooo sooo sooo excited :D too bad I will be in spain when it premiers :( hey at least there I will have a better chance to buy it in book stores right?? anyway comment if you like it or have thoughts about it, I will read all of them :D and follow this blog too because there will be more things like this to come :P Anthony you better make this a good last book! Ive been waiting too long for this to suck! I mean come on it sounds like you are writing a dictionary only longer, But I still have faith in you so don't disappoint me ok :)