Thursday, 8 August 2013

UPDATE: The third book in the Shatter me series TITLE AND COVER ART OUT!

Hi guys :)
I'm super duper excited to share this news with you! all right so approximately 14 hours ago the title and cover art for the third book in the Shatter me series was released! I know, this is what we have been waiting for! I must tell you I am in love with the cover art, it is beautiful <3 all right so instead of me telling you about it I'll let the author herself (yes that's right Tahereh Mafi) wrote a small letter to the people of MTV (I don't know why MTV is promoting books considering they are a music channel but whatever)

Hi guys!I'm so so thrilled to be able to share this final cover with you all. The "Shatter Me" series is swiftly coming to a close, and though it's a bittersweet feeling, I'm anxious for everyone to know how the story will end. Also I'm hoping we can still be friends after you finish reading.Ahem.If you follow me around the internet, you know I've teased you a lot about what may or may not happen in book 3, but the truth is, most of the time I was just messing with you. What actually happens in the third book is probably almost definitely not what you think is going to happen. (Don't let the title fool you! "Ignite" is so much more than it seems.)Of this final book I can promise you this much, though: Juliette is back. She's pissed. And she's ready to kick some ass. No regrets.And mom, if you're reading this, I'm sorry I just said ass on the Internet. Twice.-Tahereh Mafi

Oh I'm so excited! here's the cover work for it, personally I think it is the best in the entire series! 
Juliette now knows she may be the only one who can stop the Reestablishment. But to take them down, she'll need the help of the one person she never thought she could trust: Warner. And as they work together, Juliette will discover that everything she thought she knew-about Warner, her abilities, and even Adam-was wrong.
The book is actually going to be released on February 4th 2014 It's so long away I now, nobody want's to wait that long  but the same month as my birthday so I'll consider it the most amazing birthday present in all of history :)  Shatter me fandome: you guys are super smart! kudos on guessing the title right. 

Just a little something I wanted to highlight before I said bye me and my amazing friend Riya from The Teen book guru noticed this: the titles Shatter Me, Destroy Me and Unravel Me are all something Juliette does to warner. In Destroy Me Warner said that "This girl would know exactly how to shatter me.." He went on and said "You destroy me." in Unravel me, the second book in the series. In addition to that Juliette was thinking about warner and said "I want to unravel him. "Also in Unravel me. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! 

Just so you guys know I'm Team Warner all the way :) I really want to be Team Adam but I just can't you know? I mean it just wouldn't agree wit my heart if I said that I was Team Adam. #notsorryatall 

Kay thats all for today :) To all the Singaporeans happy national day :) Enjoy the super long weekend :P

Link to the MTV page here
and one to the book on goodreads here
Riya's blog is here
and the person who also noticed this (the review is on goodreads: thanks for giving me the quotes I needed ;D) is here