Hi guys I'm back :)
All right let me explain. If you noticed my leave of absence good job! (I feel extremely happy that you did) but if you didn't, it does not really matter. I was in Ladakh, Leh for 18 days on a school trip, it's my last adventure-ish trip from my school because next summer I will need to prepare for grade 11 and in the easter break I need to study for G10 mocks (Mid-terms for the Americans out there) and then I have my finals and the year after that it's the same but G11 mid terms/mocks and then my IB exam that the simple thought of scares me to death.
Every year my school would take us somewhere and I really loved it! it's something special each year and something that I would always look forward to. In grade 2 we had a sleepover at the school (this was our first trip) and they ordered pizza and drinks for everyone and we camped out on one of our fields. Grade 3 we went to Riders Lodge (a horse-riding lodge, as the name implies) in Malaysia and we stayed there for 3 days. The first day we played games in the field, like cat and dog. Then we flew kites, I learnt how to fly a kite and I fell in love with it. I still fly kites now, It's a shame not many people do. In Grade 4, my school took us to Tioman islands and we stayed at this lovely hotel/inn place where you stay in a little log house and we went out to this other small island to go swimming and there was this huge jellyfish that was dead and one of the guide/instructor people from there picked it up and all the kids in my class, including me, touched it.
Next year we went to Taman Nigara and we did a lot of activities. We stayed at this gorgeous five star hotel and had the most amazing food ever! it was one of my favourite trips ever! We went night trekking in the jungle, playing in the river, learning how to make cute decorations out of pandan leaves and more. Grade 6 was the first real adventure type trip I went on, we went to Sibu and we trekked for a day (10km so that we could get to out hotel, don't worry we put all our luggage on a gargantuan truck so it wasn't a hassle in the jungle) we went turtle watching and watched the baby turtles hatch and waddle their way to the ocean for the first time ever, we went dock jumping where we jump of a 3 meter dock into the ocean and we learnt how to kayak. Grade 7 was not that eventful but I got to know the people in my class a lot better :) We went back to Tioman and were kayaking for 4 days and camping on the beaches of small islands. Grade 8 was the second longest school trip I have ever been on, we went to Chiang Mai in Thailand for 2 weeks and the first week we went white water rafting as well as other things, the second week was Prem where we stayed at a boarding house and went around the village learning about the culture there.
Now you know a little bit about all my school trips :) I'll be posting something about ladakh later but first I need to finish all the holiday homework my teachers gave me :(
Bye for now and Have a great summer :P
All right let me explain. If you noticed my leave of absence good job! (I feel extremely happy that you did) but if you didn't, it does not really matter. I was in Ladakh, Leh for 18 days on a school trip, it's my last adventure-ish trip from my school because next summer I will need to prepare for grade 11 and in the easter break I need to study for G10 mocks (Mid-terms for the Americans out there) and then I have my finals and the year after that it's the same but G11 mid terms/mocks and then my IB exam that the simple thought of scares me to death.
Every year my school would take us somewhere and I really loved it! it's something special each year and something that I would always look forward to. In grade 2 we had a sleepover at the school (this was our first trip) and they ordered pizza and drinks for everyone and we camped out on one of our fields. Grade 3 we went to Riders Lodge (a horse-riding lodge, as the name implies) in Malaysia and we stayed there for 3 days. The first day we played games in the field, like cat and dog. Then we flew kites, I learnt how to fly a kite and I fell in love with it. I still fly kites now, It's a shame not many people do. In Grade 4, my school took us to Tioman islands and we stayed at this lovely hotel/inn place where you stay in a little log house and we went out to this other small island to go swimming and there was this huge jellyfish that was dead and one of the guide/instructor people from there picked it up and all the kids in my class, including me, touched it.
Next year we went to Taman Nigara and we did a lot of activities. We stayed at this gorgeous five star hotel and had the most amazing food ever! it was one of my favourite trips ever! We went night trekking in the jungle, playing in the river, learning how to make cute decorations out of pandan leaves and more. Grade 6 was the first real adventure type trip I went on, we went to Sibu and we trekked for a day (10km so that we could get to out hotel, don't worry we put all our luggage on a gargantuan truck so it wasn't a hassle in the jungle) we went turtle watching and watched the baby turtles hatch and waddle their way to the ocean for the first time ever, we went dock jumping where we jump of a 3 meter dock into the ocean and we learnt how to kayak. Grade 7 was not that eventful but I got to know the people in my class a lot better :) We went back to Tioman and were kayaking for 4 days and camping on the beaches of small islands. Grade 8 was the second longest school trip I have ever been on, we went to Chiang Mai in Thailand for 2 weeks and the first week we went white water rafting as well as other things, the second week was Prem where we stayed at a boarding house and went around the village learning about the culture there.
Now you know a little bit about all my school trips :) I'll be posting something about ladakh later but first I need to finish all the holiday homework my teachers gave me :(
Bye for now and Have a great summer :P