Just a status update.... My english teacher is strangely crazy.
Wait just here me out
Okay so she is pretty old to be still teaching and she has old coppery red hair but she is really nice (she gives us a lot of candy when we write good creative stories/poems :D) and in terms of teaching she is really great its just that she says the craziest things. It makes the class more interesting and I don't think I'll ever forget any one of the things that she said!. We were talking about memories and we somehow got to the topic of roofs. She started to tell us about how her neighbour called her to say that her children were up on the roof of her house in australia with her ex-husband and she screamed at them to get off. We had no idea that she got married twice let alone that she let her kids run wild on the roof. This doesn't begin to cover her weirdness we later went on to talking about things that triggor a memory, one kid in my class (yes I still refer to people as kids) said incense sticks because they are indian and incense sticks are often used in prayer, but our english teacher has a memory associated with them. "When I was younger my sister always used to light incense sticks around the house. Probably as a cover up because she was smoking marijuana in her room."Yup that was a quote, she actually said those things. Finally the utmost hilarious thing she said was this "I like men with hairy faces," it honestly makes me wonder how her husband looks. Let me put what she said into a little bit of context for you, we were doing a word of the day (every english lesson we get a new word to remember so that our vocabulary increases) which was Hirsute for that day. Now her is what the dictionary says hirsute is (curtesy of Dictionary.com)
[hur-soot, hur-soot]
hairy; shaggy.
Botany, Zoology . covered with long, rather stiff hairs.
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of hair.
Related forms
hir·sute·ness, noun
sub·hir·sute, adjective
sub·hir·sute·ness, noun
1. pilose, unshaved, bearded, bushy, woolly, furry.
1. pilose, unshaved, bearded, bushy, woolly, furry.
Thats about it :) I just thought I would share that with you, maybe it made you smile or laugh, or maybe if just made you question what type of school I go to but trust me it is a very good school with lovely teachers that teach phenomenally (well at least most of them do)
Anyway enjoy the rest of the day :)